Veronica Mendes

Veronica Mendes
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Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Unbuttoning the Binary: A Heterosexual Man in a Dress


For the most part, "straight guy" felt like a complete description. I like women, enjoy traditionally masculine pursuits, and I didn't question my gender identity. Then came my pre-teen years and also came the dresses. It started subtly, a borrowed pair of Mary Janes here, a pair of pantyhose there. But the feeling of wearing something typically associated with femininity sparked a joy I couldn't ignore. The emergence of the Internet helped me solidify i me that it wasn't about wanting to be a woman; it was about the freedom of expressing myself beyond the confines of masculinity.

Society often presents sexuality and gender expression as a binary choice. You're either a heterosexual man who wears jeans and watches sports, or you're something else entirely. But the reality is far more nuanced. My love for women and enjoyment of traditionally masculine things remain true. Yet, the way I express myself can be fluid. A fitted dress can make me feel confident and playful, a feeling a pair of jeans just can't replicate.

This journey of self-discovery has challenged societal expectations. Some might find it confusing: "How can you be straight if you wear dresses?" The truth is, my sexuality isn't contingent on my clothes. It's about who I'm attracted to, not what I wear. Crossdressing isn't about rejecting masculinity; it's about embracing the full spectrum of human expression. It's about defying the notion that masculinity is defined by a rigid set of rules.

Being your true self isn't about fitting neatly into a box. It's about embracing all the facets that make you unique. For me, that includes being a heterosexual man who also loves to wear a dress. It's about shattering the binary and claiming the freedom to express myself authentically, in jeans or a flowing skirt, without compromising who I am at my core.