Veronica Mendes

Veronica Mendes
Welcome to my Blog

Friday, May 20, 2011

I Am Thankful...

This was my second BLOG post from May of 2007.  At the time, I was going by the name Toni Richards.

I was looking over my pictures and I came to the realization that Toni has come a long way in the last six months.  It was MySpace that allowed Toni to emerge and subsequently evolve.

Until I opened the MySpace account, Toni did not exist.  The part of my life that Toni now occupies did not have a name.  It was dominated by fear of getting caught wearing women's clothing and fear of the consequences that getting caught would have on my marriage and my life. 

My experience on MySpace has allowed Toni to replace those sporatic episodes of sexual release.  Toni has grown from a shy girl, refusing to show her face, to what you see here now.  But I cannot and will not take credit for her evolution thus far.  The reason Toni has been able to sprout her wings is because of my sisters in MySpace, whose stories, experiences, messages and overall beauty have been a source of inspiration. 

Just to mention a few: Melissa (Michelle) "My Precious Angel" and my first Latino Friend, Addictive Me (Jessie) whose eyes I get lost in every time I visit her site, Jen Merill ... what can I say?, Michelle Angelique a  true jewel of a GG with a heart of pure gold and a wonderful website, and Tiffany Michelle whom I've admired since long before MySpace existed.

I know I'm leaving out MANY of my sisters who have contributed to Toni's evolution, but rest assured that all of you are in my heart each and every time I'm logged into MySpace.

I will continue to learn and grow with the strength provided me by my sisters in MySpace.  I hope you like what you see and hope to continue to get feedback from my friends. 

P.S.  Feel free to comment on my pix too.  I luv to read them and I'll be posting some new ones very soon.


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